5 Strong Lead Magnets to Double and Triple Your Email List

Growing your leads list is the lifeblood of your business. Subscribers that are properly nurtured through your email marketing convert into sales and loyal fans. By delivering useful content to your leads, you’ll foster repeat customers and continue to keep people connected to your brand.

But it all starts with capturing quality leads that are interested in what you have to offer. That’s where lead magnets come into play in your digital strategy. You see, lead magnets will be the key ingredient that compels people to opt into your list. It must be valuable and resonate with your audience for it to be effective in capturing new leads.

What Are Lead Magnets?

Simply put, a lead magnet is an irresistible free offer that gives an amazing chunk of value to a website visitor in exchange for their content information. The lead magnet has one goal: to grow the number of targeted leads you generate by enticing your prospect with an offer.

Therefore, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your market and their needs to create lead magnets that converts. Developing buyer personas is an excellent way to gain clarity of your audience and build lead magnets that supports their interest.

5 Strong Lead Magnets to Grow Your Email List

#1 Checklist

Checklists are popular lead magnets that gives recipients everything they need on one actionable list. They’re simple for people to follow and convenient for giving step-by-step directions. Checklists can be converted into cheat sheets that gives the user a list of guidelines or a process they can follow repeatedly to achieve a specific benefit.

The beauty about checklists is that they’re super easy to create. You can repurpose your blog article into a checklist then offer it as a content upgrade within your blog post.

#2 Video Series

Did you know that a video on a landing page increases conversions by 80% (Source: Hubspot)? Videos are incredibly effective in capturing attention and moving people to action. It also builds trust with your audience, boosting the know, like and trust factor. Including videos in your content strategy is a great way to fostering relationships.

Videos are also effective lead magnets. In fact, creating a video series is a killer content offer that allows you to dive deep into a subject topic and extend amazing value. You can give the entire video series all at once (as in a course) or spread it over a few days through your email autoresponder. Either way, crafting a video series can be a wonderful way to skyrocket your leads.

#3 Template

Templates are extraordinary tools that your leads can actively “plug and chug” to obtain their desired result. Spreadsheets, a website design, an email or Facebook ad template are just a few examples of how you can create something highly useful that people can actually leverage in their day-to-day operation.

Consider some of the common problems your market experiences. What can be resolved through a simple template? Brainstorm ideas then have your team put one together. To make your lead magnet even more attractive, create a bundle where there are multiple templates that do different things. CoSchedule is notorious for offering bundles to convert their blog readers.

#4 Quiz or Survey

Interactive content is the future of content marketing (Source: Jeff Bullas). Content pieces such as calculators, slide shows, videos, audios, surveys and polls perform well in improving website-experiences. It keeps visitors on your pages longer, boosting SEO ranking and visibility.

With that said, quizzes and surveys are wonderful assets to your digital strategy. Not only does it get people more involved in your content, it’s also the perfect lead magnet to get your participants contact info. At the end of taking your quiz or survey, users must give their email address in order to receive their results. Since they invested the time to answer, they will certainly spend a few extra seconds to obtain their unique outcome.

You can easily create your own survey on sites like Typeform or Online Quiz Creator.

#5 Special Discount Offer

People love discounts. It’s one of the top ways retail brands collect email addresses from prospects and customers…by giving away a simple 10% off their next (or current) order. It’s a powerful two-edge sword; you’re building your subscriber list and increasing revenue sales. Both parties win as you save them money while meeting your digital marketing goals.

Create a landing page that promotes your special discount. Share the link across your social networks to turn your followers into potential customers.


Lead magnets are a critical component in your content marketing strategy. To attract and capture quality leads into your sales funnel, you must give them something good in exchange for their contact details. These are solid ideas that can truly double and triple your lead efforts in your email marketing.

Start by choosing two lead magnets to create and promote to your audience. Test your results to discover which ones resonate best. Keep what’s working and modify or change what isn’t.

The more lead magnets you have working in your inbound marketing, the more opportunities you present for prospects to convert into leads and remain connected to your brand.

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